1. Aries (牡羊座):The astrological sign for Aries begins with those born on March 21 and ends with those born on April 19. Aries is known for being passionate and headstrong.
2. Taurus (金牛座):People born on April 20 to May 20 fall under the sign of Taurus. Taurus is known for being grounded and practical.
3. Gemini (雙子座):Gemini signifies those born on May 21 to June 21. They are known for being communicative and versatile.
4. Cancer (巨蟹座):Cancer signifies those born from June 22 to July 22. Cancer folk are known for being emotional and nurturing.
5. Leo (獅子座):Leo folks are those born on July 23 to August 22. Leo is known for being brave and confident.
6. Virgo (處女座):Those born on August 23 to September 22 fall under the sign of Virgo. Virgo is known for being meticulous and practical.
7. Libra (天秤座):Libra signifies those born from September 23 to October 22. People with this sign are known for being fair and social.
8. Scorpio (天蠍座):Those born on October 23 to November 21 fall under the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is known for being secretive and passionate.
9. Sagittarius (射手座):People born on November 22 to December 21 are considered Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known for being adventurous and optimistic.